Local Orientation and Training
Support through education
SCGJA provides four half-day orientations for newly seated grand jurors and alternates. These presentations introduce jurors to the local agencies under their purview, including Q&A panels comprised of local officials. The orientation also outlines the purpose and requirements of the grand jury and provides tips and techniques regarding policies and procedures, and organization, among other subjects.
Every July, Shasta County, in conjunction with the California Grand Jurors Association (CGJA), provides a two-day training seminar in Redding, CA, for currently seated grand jurors and alternates. SCGJA contributes support and volunteers for this seminar. A range of important topics are covered, including:
Grand Jury Overview​
Grand Jury Law​
Local Governments​​
Legal Topics​
Grand Jury Investigations​
Grand Jury Interviews​
Grand Jury Reports​
Additional Workshops​
In addition to the above training, CGJA also offers specialized training for the current foreperson and pro tem. This one-day seminar offers leadership techniques and outlines the additional roles and responsibilities of grand jury officers.
Every November, CGJA hosts a workshop in Redding, CA, dedicated to report-writing. SCGJA provides support and volunteers to staff this workshop as needed. This one-day workshop costs $65 per juror. Shasta County sponsors a minimum of 12 currently seated grand jurors to attend this training, which covers report content, formatting, and editing, as well as exit interviews.
Furthermore, SCGJA makes itself available throughout the year to the Shasta County Grand Jury for additional training on specific topics if requested.
For more detailed information on the seminars and workshops listed above, please visit the CGJA website.